IP-filter - It is a special file ipfilter.dat which contains IP-Ranges of anti-peer2peer organizations, corrupted data senders, hackers and resedved IP-Ranges. Which will be blocked. More info. IP-filter consists of: 1) Basic (Level 1) blocklist by Bluetack Internet Security Solutions. 2) Bogon list by CIDR Reports. 3) Fake servers list created and updated by me (part one, part two). 4) Amazon AWS IP ranges
Fake servers list - 08.02.25 Level 1 list - 08.02.25 Cloud and hosting list - 08.02.25 198137 filters loaded
Exclude from filtering all IP-ranges of bt.com Exclude from filtering all IP-ranges of f2x.nl --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1910 - 06.05.2024
Exclude from filtering all IP-ranges of communityfibre.co.uk Exclude from filtering all IP-ranges of skbroadband.com