
Viewing: eMule 0.47c StulleMule 4.0 Binary

eMule 0.47c StulleMule 4.0 Binary

based on eMule 0.47c MorphXT 9.0 compiled with vs2003 SP1

Added: latest CVS updates [MorphXT Team]

Changed: Complete recoded of triggering parts from Reask Sources after IP-Change [Stulle]
Changed: Replaced CPU usage reader code [ejor]
Changed: System Info settings resetted to default [Stulle]
Changed: System Info updated every second instead of 2.5 seconds [Stulle]

Fixed: Average Queue Rating [Xman]
Fixed: SysInfo Memleak [WiZaRd]
Fixed: SysInfo wasn't destroyed (pointed out by JvA) [Stulle]

Removed: Disable delete dead servers [Stulle]

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